CIVIS Media Prize 2017

Competition has started – participate and win!

image-1Please send us your best radio, film and TV programmes as well as websites and web videos on the theme of integration and cultural diversity!

CIVIS again recognizes programme contributions on the radio, film, television and the Internet, which are particularly suitable for the promotion of the peaceful coexistence of people of different geographic or cultural backgrounds.

Reports, documentaries, coverages, features, films or cartoons can be submitted to the European Competition. All formats and genres are permitted.

Closing date is January 20, 2017.

2017 again with the CIVIS Special Prize “Football and Integration”. Please send us your best sport programmes on the issue of football and integration. The prize recognizes programmes on TV and the internet, as well as radio programmes in the German-language. The CIVIS Special Prize Football will be awarded in cooperation with the DFB (German Football Association).

The CIVIS Media Prizes are endowed.

All radio and television broadcasting companies, production companies, as well as website providers in the European Union and Switzerland may participate in the competition. Also all film and media schools, journalistic schools, academies and colleges of journalism, communication and media.

Production companies may directly submit to the competition. Web videos on integration and cultural diversity may be submitted by residents of the European Union and Switzerland.

Please find our conditions of participation online at:

Your registration for the competition must be made online.

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