Invitație de a aplica la Atelierul de Jurnalism care se va desfășura în Berlin

Jurnaliștii și bloggerii din Republica Moldova, Ucraina și Georgia sunt invitați la workshop-ul “Upgrade of digital investigation, security and handling fake news – an international exchange”, care va avea loc la Berlin, în perioada 18-22 noiembrie 2019. Toate costurile sunt acoperite de Oficiul Federal German de Externe.

WECHANGE is a cooperative of visionaries, developers and volunteers with one goal: social transformation towards the more aware, sustainable and ecological world.

Together with taz Panter Stiftung we are organizing a workshop for journalists with the focus on Cybersecurity and fake news. It takes place in Berlin, Germany, between 18th and 22nd of November, 2019. The topic is: “Upgrade of digital investigation, security and handling fake news – an international exchange” for journalists from Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia.

If you are a journalist or a blogger, who is working in the field for at least two years and is curious to know more about data protection, effective ways of handling disinformation and role of digitization in nowadays journalism – go ahead, apply until 13th of October.
All the costs are covered by German Federal Foreign Office.

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